June 27

401h Plan, The Ultimate Win-Win…Tax Deferred Growth PLUS Tax Free Income

401h Plan, The Ultimate Win-Win…Tax Deferred Growth PLUS Tax Free Income

Key Takeaway

With the 401h, you CAN have your cake and eat it too. There are provisions in IRS code that allow pre tax contributions AND access to that cash TAX FREE. However, the devil is in the details.

First, you probably know by now (if you are a Leveraged Wealth fanatic) that I am no fan of traditional retirement planning strategies for business owners. 

The solo 401k, SEP IRA, SIMPLE, on and on and on....So BORING!

They all accomplish relatively the same thing with differing degrees of expenses and contribution limits. (Not to mention most of the investment options I see are garbage.)

What is the one thing these plans all do? They DELAY your taxes. 

Although, I prefer tax free income, Delaying taxes can be a useful strategy when woven into a plan that gets you qualified for the 20% QBI deduction.

However, if you have a willy nilly qualified plan because you had some excess cash laying around, we can help you do better...

Enter the 401h

So what is the 401h? SIMPLE!

It's an account attached to your qualified plan (or SUPER 401k) that lets you contribute money PRE-TAX and withdraw money TAX FREE! (when used for qualified medical expenses.)

Talk about the best of both worlds!

Of course, it's important to understand who benefits most from the 401h. Notably, highly compensated business owners, 1099 employees, and medical professionals. Because, in many cases they have the ability to contribute to these plans on top of their current plans.

This plan is one of the go to strategies outlined in our maxxed out guide: The Business Owners Guide to Serious Tax Deductions.

You can get it here: The Business Owners Guide to Serious Tax Deductions(need to link)

Additionally, you can combine the 401h with the other strategies outlined in the guide. Successful business owners with excess cash can defer Millions of dollars per year in taxes.

Not only can you defer serious money, but also collect on tax credits often overlooked in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you have a qualified plan in place already and are looking for a way to stash away even MORE cash on a more tax preferred platform, the 401(h) May be perfect for you!


401(h), tax free, tax stratagies

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