Why Us?

Our Backstory

Matthew Decker, CFP®

Certified Financial Planner™

We are a full service planning firm located just north of Atlanta, GA - Led by myself & Aaron Vincent, both Certified Financial Planners™, and supported by a team passionate about helping others empower their money.

We met about 10 years ago working at a much larger big box firm that had a cookie cutter money management approach with nearly every client. There was very little tax planning done, we were actively encouraged against ROTH conversions (it lowered the amount of money they could charge a fee on after all!), and we found the advice surrounding fixed products (life insurance, annuities, long term care, etc) to be rather terrible. Couple that with the fact that we weren't truly independent, we could only offer the products and companies that PAID to partner with us.

We each stuck it out for 3-4 years hoping things might change, but hated it. Every day it felt like we weren't able to act in the clients best interest…

So we left!

We started Leveraged Wealth Management as a truly independent firm and haven't looked back.

Break the Mold.

We believe that every investor deserves better than the status quo. For years Wall Street has convinced you that the only way to make money in the market is to use asset allocation models and utilize a buy and hold strategy. This results in taking way too much risk and consistently under-performing the S&P 500. There is no reason for any business owner to be taking more risk for lower returns. 

Wall Street isn’t the only wolf in a sheep’s clothing!

The government has been running a multi-million dollar ad campaign for decades trying to convince you to defer all your income (401ks, IRAs, 403Bs, Etc). They desperately need to be a co-owner of your retirement accounts! Fortunately there are additional ways beyond tax deferred accounts to save for retirement that take less risk and result in tax free streams of income for the rest of your life. 

How we do it.


When asked, most of our clients think they have a diversified portfolio. They own several different mutual funds all in different sectors of the market managed by different managers. Sounds great! But that’s not diversification. Everyone has their eggs in multiple baskets…It just so happens that all their baskets are tied together! When one falls, they all fall!

Real diversification is so much more than having your eggs in different baskets. Its having your eggs in different baskets that have nothing to do with one another.

 This is called investing in non correlated assets. Owning assets that don’t continuously move in the same direction with the same velocity is the real way to diversify your money.

We achieve real diversification through advising on the use of fixed instruments, real estate, oil and gas funds, cash value life insurance, and annuities.


Risk is one of the most misunderstood variables when it comes to money management. By now you know that the more risk you take, the more reward you should expect. The real questions is:

“How much risk should I be taking?”

Fortunately, I have the answer for you and it is absolutely correct no matter who you are reading this.

You should be taking just enough risk to reach your goals. No more, and no less.

Any more risk is foolish. You risk blowing everything that you’ve worked hard to build and for no good reason!

Any less risk than needed to reach your goals and you probably won’t reach your goals.

No matter how much risk you need to take to accomplish your goals, you also have to weigh how comfortable you are with taking risk in the first place!

If your goals require a high degree of risk, yet you are uncomfortable with having any of your money invested in the market it is highly unlikely that you will be able to follow through with your plans. Things may start off well, but as soon as the market begins to slide a devastating cycle happens:

1. You will pull everything out of the market

2. This will lock in a devastating loss

3. You will wait too long to get back into the market (buying at the top)

4. The market will start to slide again

5. Repeat from the top

This is why we combine risk scoring with your investment management and we call it risk based investing. We balance out the risk that you should be taking to accomplish your goals with the risk that you are actually comfortable with. This help you sleep well at night knowing that your investment style closely matches your goals AND your personality.


More is better? We don’t think so. In fact, we think that more financial advisors means a more convoluted financial plan that doesn’t fit together seamlessly.

For this reason we have made every effort to bring in specialists in every field all under one roof and become Certified Financial Planners™. Our holistic planning leaves no stone un-turned, yet is clear and concise. 

These are plans so straight forward you can actually implement them.


  • 9200 South Main St., Suite 2A, Woodstock, GA, 30188, US 
  • 770-783-2699
  • info@leveragedwm.com 


©2024 Leveraged Wealth Management,